
punycode.c from RFC 3492
Adam M. Costello

This is ANSI C code (C89) implementing Punycode (RFC 3492).



/* Public interface */

#include <limits.h>

typedef enum punycode_status {
  punycode_bad_input,           /* Input is invalid.                       */
  punycode_big_output,          /* Output would exceed the space provided. */
  punycode_overflow             /* Input needs wider integers to process.  */
} punycode_status;

#if UINT_MAX >= (1 << 26) - 1
typedef unsigned int punycode_uint;
typedef unsigned long punycode_uint;

/* punycode_encode() converts Unicode to Punycode.  The input     */
/* is represented as an array of Unicode code points (not code    */
/* units; surrogate pairs are not allowed), and the output        */
/* will be represented as an array of ASCII code points.  The     */
/* output string is *not* null-terminated; it will contain        */
/* zeros if and only if the input contains zeros.  (Of course     */
/* the caller can leave room for a terminator and add one if      */
/* needed.)  The input_length is the number of code points in     */
/* the input.  The output_length is an in/out argument: the       */
/* caller passes in the maximum number of code points that it     */
/* can receive, and on successful return it will contain the      */
/* number of code points actually output.  The case_flags array   */
/* holds input_length boolean values, where nonzero suggests that */
/* the corresponding Unicode character be forced to uppercase     */
/* after being decoded (if possible), and zero suggests that      */
/* it be forced to lowercase (if possible).  ASCII code points    */
/* are encoded literally, except that ASCII letters are forced    */
/* to uppercase or lowercase according to the corresponding       */
/* uppercase flags.  If case_flags is a null pointer then ASCII   */
/* letters are left as they are, and other code points are        */
/* treated as if their uppercase flags were zero.  The return     */
/* value can be any of the punycode_status values defined above   */
/* except punycode_bad_input; if not punycode_success, then       */
/* output_size and output might contain garbage.                  */
enum punycode_status punycode_encode(punycode_uint input_length,
                                     const punycode_uint input[],
                                     const unsigned char case_flags[],
                                     punycode_uint * output_length,
                                     char output[]);

/* punycode_decode() converts Punycode to Unicode.  The input is  */
/* represented as an array of ASCII code points, and the output   */
/* will be represented as an array of Unicode code points.  The   */
/* input_length is the number of code points in the input.  The   */
/* output_length is an in/out argument: the caller passes in      */
/* the maximum number of code points that it can receive, and     */
/* on successful return it will contain the actual number of      */
/* code points output.  The case_flags array needs room for at    */
/* least output_length values, or it can be a null pointer if the */
/* case information is not needed.  A nonzero flag suggests that  */
/* the corresponding Unicode character be forced to uppercase     */
/* by the caller (if possible), while zero suggests that it be    */
/* forced to lowercase (if possible).  ASCII code points are      */
/* output already in the proper case, but their flags will be set */
/* appropriately so that applying the flags would be harmless.    */
/* The return value can be any of the punycode_status values      */
/* defined above; if not punycode_success, then output_length,    */
/* output, and case_flags might contain garbage.  On success, the */
/* decoder will never need to write an output_length greater than */
/* input_length, because of how the encoding is defined.          */
enum punycode_status punycode_decode(punycode_uint input_length,
                                     const char input[],
                                     punycode_uint * output_length,
                                     punycode_uint output[],
                                     unsigned char case_flags[]);


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