/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
HTTrack Website Copier, Offline Browser for Windows and Unix
Copyright (C) 1998-2015 Xavier Roche and other contributors
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Important notes:
- We hereby ask people using this source NOT to use it in purpose of grabbing
emails addresses, or collecting any other private information on persons.
This would disgrace our work, and spoil the many hours we spent on it.
Please visit our Website: http://www.httrack.com
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* File: httrack.c subroutines: */
/* cache system (index and stores files in cache) */
/* Author: Xavier Roche */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Internal engine bytecode */
#include "htscache.h"
/* specific definitions */
#include "htscore.h"
#include "htsbasenet.h"
#include "htsmd5.h"
#include <time.h>
#include "htszlib.h"
/* END specific definitions */
// routines de mise en cache
.ndx file
file with data
<string>(date/time) [ <string>(hostname+filename) (datfile_position_ascii) ] * number_of_links
file without data
<string>(date/time) [ <string>(hostname+filename) (-datfile_position_ascii) ] * number_of_links
.dat file
[ file ] *
file= (with data)
[ bytes ] * sizeof(htsblk header) [ bytes ] * n(length of file given in htsblk header)
file= (without data)
[ bytes ] * sizeof(htsblk header)
<string>(name) = <length in ascii>+<lf>+<data>
VERSION 1.1/1.2 :
.ndx file
file with data
<string>("CACHE-1.1") <string>(date/time) [ <string>(hostname+filename) (datfile_position_ascii) ] * number_of_links
file without data
<string>("CACHE-1.1") <string>(date/time) [ <string>(hostname+filename) (-datfile_position_ascii) ] * number_of_links
.dat file
<string>("CACHE-1.1") [ [Header_1.1] [bytes] * n(length of file given in header) ] *
<string>(charset) [version 3]
<string>Content-disposition [version 2]
<string>hostname [version 4]
<string>URI filename [version 4]
<string>local filename [version 4]
[<string>"SD" <string>(supplemental data)]
[<string>"SD" <string>(supplemental data)]
<string>"HTS" (end of header)
<int>(number of bytes of data) (0 if no data written)
// Nouveau: si != text/html ne stocke que la taille
void cache_mayadd(httrackp * opt, cache_back * cache, htsblk * r,
const char *url_adr, const char *url_fil,
const char *url_save) {
hts_log_print(opt, LOG_DEBUG, "File checked by cache: %s", url_adr);
// ---stockage en cache---
// stocker dans le cache?
if (opt->cache) {
if (cache_writable(cache)) {
// ensure not a temporary filename (should not happend ?!)
if (IS_DELAYED_EXT(url_save)) {
hts_log_print(opt, LOG_WARNING,
"aborted cache validation: %s%s still has temporary name %s",
url_adr, url_fil, url_save);
// c'est le seul endroit ou l'on ajoute des elements dans le cache (fichier entier ou header)
// on stocke tout fichier "ok", mais également les réponses 404,301,302...
if (
#if 1
r->statuscode > 0
/* We don't store 5XX errors, because it might be a server problem */
(r->statuscode == HTTP_OK) /* stocker réponse standard, plus */
||(r->statuscode == 204) /* no content */
||HTTP_IS_REDIRECT(r->statuscode) /* redirect */
||(r->statuscode == 401) /* authorization */
||(r->statuscode == 403) /* unauthorized */
||(r->statuscode == 404) /* not found */
||(r->statuscode == 410) /* gone */
) { /* ne pas stocker si la page générée est une erreur */
if (!r->is_file) {
// stocker fichiers (et robots.txt)
if (url_save == NULL || (strnotempty(url_save))
|| (strcmp(url_fil, "/robots.txt") == 0)) {
// ajouter le fichier au cache
cache_add(opt, cache, r, url_adr, url_fil, url_save,
opt->all_in_cache, StringBuff(opt->path_html_utf8));
// store a reference NOT to redo the same test zillions of times!
// (problem reported by Lars Clausen)
// we just store statuscode + location (if any)
if (url_save == NULL && r->statuscode / 100 >= 3) {
// cached "fast" header doesn't yet exists
if (coucal_read
concat(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), url_adr, url_fil), NULL) == 0) {
char BIGSTK tempo[HTS_URLMAXSIZE * 2];
sprintf(tempo, "%d", (int) r->statuscode);
if (r->location != NULL && r->location[0] != '\0') {
strcatbuff(tempo, "\n");
strcatbuff(tempo, r->location);
hts_log_print(opt, LOG_DEBUG,
"Cached fast-header response: %s%s is %d",
url_adr, url_fil, (int) r->statuscode);
concat(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), url_adr, url_fil),
(intptr_t) strdupt(tempo));
// ---fin stockage en cache---
#if 1
#define ZIP_FIELD_STRING(headers, headersSize, field, value) do { \
if ( (value != NULL) && (value)[0] != '\0') { \
sprintf(headers + headersSize, "%s: %s\r\n", field, (value != NULL) ? (value) : ""); \
(headersSize) += (int) strlen(headers + headersSize); \
} \
} while(0)
#define ZIP_FIELD_INT(headers, headersSize, field, value) do { \
if ( (value != 0) ) { \
sprintf(headers + headersSize, "%s: "LLintP"\r\n", field, (LLint)(value)); \
(headersSize) += (int) strlen(headers + headersSize); \
} \
} while(0)
#define ZIP_FIELD_INT_FORCE(headers, headersSize, field, value) do { \
sprintf(headers + headersSize, "%s: "LLintP"\r\n", field, (LLint)(value)); \
(headersSize) += (int) strlen(headers + headersSize); \
} while(0)
struct cache_back_zip_entry {
unsigned long int hdrPos;
unsigned long int size;
int compressionMethod;
#define ZIP_READFIELD_STRING(line, value, refline, refvalue) do { \
if (line[0] != '\0' && strfield2(line, refline)) { \
strcpybuff(refvalue, value); \
line[0] = '\0'; \
} \
} while(0)
#define ZIP_READFIELD_INT(line, value, refline, refvalue) do { \
if (line[0] != '\0' && strfield2(line, refline)) { \
int intval = 0; \
sscanf(value, "%d", &intval); \
(refvalue) = intval; \
line[0] = '\0'; \
} \
} while(0)
#define ZIP_READFIELD_LLINT(line, value, refline, refvalue) do { \
if (line[0] != '\0' && strfield2(line, refline)) { \
LLint intval = 0; \
sscanf(value, LLintP, &intval); \
(refvalue) = intval; \
line[0] = '\0'; \
} \
} while(0)
/* Ajout d'un fichier en cache */
void cache_add(httrackp * opt, cache_back * cache, const htsblk * r,
const char *url_adr, const char *url_fil, const char *url_save,
int all_in_cache, const char *path_prefix) {
char BIGSTK filename[HTS_URLMAXSIZE * 4];
char catbuff[CATBUFF_SIZE];
int dataincache = 0; // put data in cache ?
char BIGSTK headers[8192];
int headersSize = 0;
//int entryBodySize = 0;
//int entryFilenameSize = 0;
zip_fileinfo fi;
const char *url_save_suffix = url_save;
int zErr;
// robots.txt hack
if (url_save == NULL) {
dataincache = 0; // testing links
} else {
if ((strnotempty(url_save) == 0)) {
if (strcmp(url_fil, "/robots.txt") == 0) // robots.txt
dataincache = 1;
return; // error (except robots.txt)
/* Data in cache ? */
if (is_hypertext_mime(opt, r->contenttype, url_fil)
|| (may_be_hypertext_mime(opt, r->contenttype, url_fil)
&& r->adr != NULL)
/* store error messages! */
|| !HTTP_IS_OK(r->statuscode)
) {
dataincache = 1;
} else if (all_in_cache) {
dataincache = 1;
if (r->size < 0) // error
// data in cache
if (dataincache) {
assertf(((int) r->size) == r->size);
//entryBodySize = (int) r->size;
/* Fields */
headers[0] = '\0';
headersSize = 0;
/* */
const char *message;
if (strlen(r->msg) < 32) {
message = r->msg;
} else {
message = "(See X-StatusMessage)";
/* 64 characters MAX for first line */
sprintf(headers + headersSize, "HTTP/1.%c %d %s\r\n", '1', r->statuscode,
headersSize += (int) strlen(headers + headersSize);
if (path_prefix != NULL && path_prefix[0] != '\0' && url_save != NULL
&& url_save[0] != '\0') {
int prefixLen = (int) strlen(path_prefix);
if (strncmp(url_save, path_prefix, prefixLen) == 0) {
url_save_suffix += prefixLen;
/* Second line MUST ALWAYS be X-In-Cache */
ZIP_FIELD_INT_FORCE(headers, headersSize, "X-In-Cache", dataincache);
ZIP_FIELD_INT(headers, headersSize, "X-StatusCode", r->statuscode);
ZIP_FIELD_STRING(headers, headersSize, "X-StatusMessage", r->msg);
ZIP_FIELD_INT(headers, headersSize, "X-Size", r->size); // size
ZIP_FIELD_STRING(headers, headersSize, "Content-Type", r->contenttype); // contenttype
ZIP_FIELD_STRING(headers, headersSize, "X-Charset", r->charset); // contenttype
ZIP_FIELD_STRING(headers, headersSize, "Last-Modified", r->lastmodified); // last-modified
ZIP_FIELD_STRING(headers, headersSize, "Etag", r->etag); // Etag
ZIP_FIELD_STRING(headers, headersSize, "Location", r->location); // 'location' pour moved
ZIP_FIELD_STRING(headers, headersSize, "Content-Disposition", r->cdispo); // Content-disposition
ZIP_FIELD_STRING(headers, headersSize, "X-Addr", url_adr); // Original address
ZIP_FIELD_STRING(headers, headersSize, "X-Fil", url_fil); // Original URI filename
ZIP_FIELD_STRING(headers, headersSize, "X-Save", url_save_suffix); // Original save filename
//entryFilenameSize = (int) ( strlen(url_adr) + strlen(url_fil));
/* Filename */
if (!link_has_authority(url_adr)) {
strcpybuff(filename, "http://");
} else {
strcpybuff(filename, "");
strcatbuff(filename, url_adr);
strcatbuff(filename, url_fil);
/* Time */
memset(&fi, 0, sizeof(fi));
if (r->lastmodified[0] != '\0') {
struct tm buffer;
struct tm *tm_s = convert_time_rfc822(&buffer, r->lastmodified);
if (tm_s) {
fi.tmz_date.tm_sec = (uInt) tm_s->tm_sec;
fi.tmz_date.tm_min = (uInt) tm_s->tm_min;
fi.tmz_date.tm_hour = (uInt) tm_s->tm_hour;
fi.tmz_date.tm_mday = (uInt) tm_s->tm_mday;
fi.tmz_date.tm_mon = (uInt) tm_s->tm_mon;
fi.tmz_date.tm_year = (uInt) tm_s->tm_year;
/* Open file - NOTE: headers in "comment" */
if ((zErr = zipOpenNewFileInZip((zipFile) cache->zipOutput, filename, &fi,
Store headers in realtime in the local file directory as extra field
In case of crash, we'll be able to recover the whole ZIP file by rescanning it
headers, (uInt) strlen(headers), NULL, 0, NULL, /* comment */
int zip_zipOpenNewFileInZip_failed = 0;
/* Write data in cache */
if (dataincache) {
if (r->is_write == 0) {
if (r->size > 0 && r->adr != NULL) {
if ((zErr =
zipWriteInFileInZip((zipFile) cache->zipOutput, r->adr,
(int) r->size)) != Z_OK) {
int zip_zipWriteInFileInZip_failed = 0;
} else {
FILE *fp;
// On recopie le fichier->.
off_t file_size = fsize_utf8(fconv(catbuff, sizeof(catbuff), url_save));
if (file_size >= 0) {
fp = FOPEN(fconv(catbuff, sizeof(catbuff), url_save), "rb");
if (fp != NULL) {
char BIGSTK buff[32768];
size_t nl;
do {
nl = fread(buff, 1, 32768, fp);
if (nl > 0) {
if ((zErr =
zipWriteInFileInZip((zipFile) cache->zipOutput, buff,
(int) nl)) != Z_OK) {
int zip_zipWriteInFileInZip_failed = 0;
} while(nl > 0);
} else {
/* Err FIXME - lost file */
} /* Empty files are OK */
/* Close */
if ((zErr = zipCloseFileInZip((zipFile) cache->zipOutput)) != Z_OK) {
int zip_zipCloseFileInZip_failed = 0;
/* Flush */
if ((zErr = zipFlush((zipFile) cache->zipOutput)) != 0) {
int zip_zipFlush_failed = 0;
/* Ajout d'un fichier en cache */
void cache_add(httrackp * opt, cache_back * cache, const htsblk * r,
char *url_adr, char *url_fil, char *url_save, int all_in_cache) {
int pos;
char s[256];
int ok = 1;
int dataincache = 0; // donnée en cache?
FILE *cache_ndx = cache->ndx;
FILE *cache_dat = cache->dat;
/*char digest[32+2]; */
/*digest[0]='\0'; */
// Longueur url_save==0?
if ((strnotempty(url_save) == 0)) {
if (strcmp(url_fil, "/robots.txt") == 0) // robots.txt
dataincache = 1;
else if (strcmp(url_fil, "/test") == 0) // testing links
dataincache = 0;
return; // erreur (sauf robots.txt)
if (r->size <= 0) // taille <= 0
return; // refusé..
// Mettre les *donées* en cache ?
if (is_hypertext_mime(opt, r->contenttype, url_fil)) // html, mise en cache des données et
dataincache = 1; // pas uniquement de l'en tête
else if (all_in_cache)
dataincache = 1; // forcer tout en cache
/* calcul md5 ? */
if (is_hypertext_mime(opt,r->contenttype)) { // html, calcul MD5
if (r->adr) {
} */
// Position
pos = ftell(cache_dat);
// écrire pointeur seek, adresse, fichier
if (dataincache) // patcher
sprintf(s, "%d\n", pos); // ecrire tel que (eh oui évite les \0..)
sprintf(s, "%d\n", -pos); // ecrire tel que (eh oui évite les \0..)
// data
// écrire données en-tête, données fichier
/*if (!dataincache) { // patcher
r->size=-r->size; // négatif
} */
// Construction header
ok = 0;
if (cache_wint(cache_dat, r->statuscode) != -1 // statuscode
&& cache_wLLint(cache_dat, r->size) != -1 // size
&& cache_wstr(cache_dat, r->msg) != -1 // msg
&& cache_wstr(cache_dat, r->contenttype) != -1 // contenttype
&& cache_wstr(cache_dat, r->charset) != -1 // contenttype
&& cache_wstr(cache_dat, r->lastmodified) != -1 // last-modified
&& cache_wstr(cache_dat, r->etag) != -1 // Etag
&& cache_wstr(cache_dat, (r->location != NULL) ? r->location : "") != -1 // 'location' pour moved
&& cache_wstr(cache_dat, r->cdispo) != -1 // Content-disposition
&& cache_wstr(cache_dat, url_adr) != -1 // Original address
&& cache_wstr(cache_dat, url_fil) != -1 // Original URI filename
&& cache_wstr(cache_dat, url_save) != -1 // Original save filename
&& cache_wstr(cache_dat, r->headers) != -1 // Full HTTP Headers
&& cache_wstr(cache_dat, "HTS") != -1 // end of header
) {
ok = 1; /* ok */
// Fin construction header
/*if ((int) fwrite((char*) &r,1,sizeof(htsblk),cache_dat) == sizeof(htsblk)) { */
if (ok) {
if (dataincache) { // mise en cache?
if (!r->adr) { /* taille nulle (parfois en cas de 301 */
if (cache_wLLint(cache_dat, 0) == -1) /* 0 bytes */
ok = 0;
} else if (r->is_write == 0) { // en mémoire, recopie directe
if (cache_wLLint(cache_dat, r->size) != -1) {
if (r->size > 0) { // taille>0
if (fwrite(r->adr, 1, r->size, cache_dat) != r->size)
ok = 0;
} else // taille=0, ne rien écrire
ok = 0;
} else
ok = 0;
} else { // recopier fichier dans cache
FILE *fp;
// On recopie le fichier->.
off_t file_size = fsize_utf8(fconv(catbuff, url_save));
if (file_size >= 0) {
if (cache_wLLint(cache_dat, file_size) != -1) {
fp = FOPEN(fconv(catbuff, url_save), "rb");
if (fp != NULL) {
char BIGSTK buff[32768];
ssize_t nl;
do {
nl = fread(buff, 1, 32768, fp);
if (nl > 0) {
if (fwrite(buff, 1, nl, cache_dat) != nl) { // erreur
nl = -1;
ok = 0;
} while(nl > 0);
} else
ok = 0;
} else
ok = 0;
} else
ok = 0;
} else {
if (cache_wLLint(cache_dat, 0) == -1) /* 0 bytes */
ok = 0;
} else
ok = 0;
/*if (!dataincache) { // dépatcher
} */
// index
// adresse+cr+fichier+cr
if (ok) {
buff[0] = '\0';
strcatbuff(buff, url_adr);
strcatbuff(buff, "\n");
strcatbuff(buff, url_fil);
strcatbuff(buff, "\n");
cache_wstr(cache_ndx, buff);
fwrite(s, 1, strlen(s), cache_ndx);
} // si ok=0 on a peut être écrit des données pour rien mais on s'en tape
// en cas de plantage, on aura au moins le cache!
htsblk cache_read(httrackp * opt, cache_back * cache, const char *adr,
const char *fil, const char *save, char *location) {
return cache_readex(opt, cache, adr, fil, save, location, NULL, 0);
htsblk cache_read_ro(httrackp * opt, cache_back * cache, const char *adr,
const char *fil, const char *save, char *location) {
return cache_readex(opt, cache, adr, fil, save, location, NULL, 1);
htsblk cache_read_including_broken(httrackp * opt, cache_back * cache,
const char *adr, const char *fil) {
htsblk r = cache_read(opt, cache, adr, fil, NULL, NULL);
if (r.statuscode == -1) {
lien_back *itemback = NULL;
if (back_unserialize_ref(opt, adr, fil, &itemback) == 0) {
r = itemback->r;
/* cleanup */
back_clear_entry(itemback); /* delete entry content */
freet(itemback); /* delete item */
itemback = NULL;
return r;
return r;
static htsblk cache_readex_old(httrackp * opt, cache_back * cache,
const char *adr, const char *fil,
const char *save, char *location,
char *return_save, int readonly);
static htsblk cache_readex_new(httrackp * opt, cache_back * cache,
const char *adr, const char *fil,
const char *save, char *location,
char *return_save, int readonly);
// lecture d'un fichier dans le cache
// si save==null alors test unqiquement
htsblk cache_readex(httrackp * opt, cache_back * cache, const char *adr,
const char *fil, const char *save, char *location,
char *return_save, int readonly) {
if (cache->zipInput != NULL) {
return cache_readex_new(opt, cache, adr, fil, save, location, return_save,
} else {
return cache_readex_old(opt, cache, adr, fil, save, location, return_save,
// lecture d'un fichier dans le cache
// si save==null alors test unqiquement
static htsblk cache_readex_new(httrackp * opt, cache_back * cache,
const char *adr, const char *fil,
const char *target_save, char *location,
char *return_save, int readonly) {
char BIGSTK location_default[HTS_URLMAXSIZE * 2];
char BIGSTK previous_save[HTS_URLMAXSIZE * 2];
char BIGSTK previous_save_[HTS_URLMAXSIZE * 2];
char catbuff[CATBUFF_SIZE];
intptr_t hash_pos;
int hash_pos_return;
htsblk r;
//memset(&r, 0, sizeof(htsblk)); r.soc=INVALID_SOCKET;
location_default[0] = '\0';
previous_save[0] = previous_save_[0] = '\0';
if (location) {
r.location = location;
} else {
r.location = location_default;
strcpybuff(r.location, "");
strcpybuff(buff, adr);
strcatbuff(buff, fil);
hash_pos_return = coucal_read(cache->hashtable, buff, &hash_pos);
/* avoid errors on data entries */
if (adr[0] == '/' && adr[1] == '/' && adr[2] == '[') {
hash_pos_return = 0;
a = NULL;
if (hash_pos_return != 0) {
uLong posInZip;
if (hash_pos > 0) {
posInZip = (uLong) hash_pos;
} else {
posInZip = (uLong) - hash_pos;
if (unzSetOffset((unzFile) cache->zipInput, posInZip) == Z_OK) {
/* Read header (Max 8KiB) */
if (unzOpenCurrentFile((unzFile) cache->zipInput) == Z_OK) {
char BIGSTK headerBuff[8192 + 2];
int readSizeHeader;
//int totalHeader = 0;
int dataincache = 0;
/* For BIG comments */
= headerBuff[sizeof(headerBuff) - 1]
= headerBuff[sizeof(headerBuff) - 2]
= headerBuff[sizeof(headerBuff) - 3] = '\0';
if ((readSizeHeader =
unzGetLocalExtrafield((unzFile) cache->zipInput, headerBuff,
sizeof(headerBuff) - 2)) > 0)
/*if (unzGetCurrentFileInfo((unzFile) cache->zipInput, NULL,
NULL, 0, NULL, 0, headerBuff, sizeof(headerBuff) - 2) == Z_OK ) */
int offset = 0;
int lineEof = 0;
/*readSizeHeader = (int) strlen(headerBuff); */
headerBuff[readSizeHeader] = '\0';
do {
char *value;
line[0] = '\0';
offset += binput(headerBuff + offset, line, sizeof(line) - 2);
if (line[0] == '\0') {
lineEof = 1;
value = strchr(line, ':');
if (value != NULL) {
*value++ = '\0';
if (*value == ' ' || *value == '\t')
ZIP_READFIELD_INT(line, value, "X-In-Cache", dataincache);
ZIP_READFIELD_INT(line, value, "X-Statuscode", r.statuscode);
ZIP_READFIELD_STRING(line, value, "X-StatusMessage", r.msg); // msg
ZIP_READFIELD_LLINT(line, value, "X-Size", r.size); // size
ZIP_READFIELD_STRING(line, value, "Content-Type", r.contenttype); // contenttype
ZIP_READFIELD_STRING(line, value, "X-Charset", r.charset); // contenttype
ZIP_READFIELD_STRING(line, value, "Last-Modified", r.lastmodified); // last-modified
ZIP_READFIELD_STRING(line, value, "Etag", r.etag); // Etag
ZIP_READFIELD_STRING(line, value, "Location", r.location); // 'location' pour moved
ZIP_READFIELD_STRING(line, value, "Content-Disposition", r.cdispo); // Content-disposition
//ZIP_READFIELD_STRING(line, value, "X-Addr", ..); // Original address
//ZIP_READFIELD_STRING(line, value, "X-Fil", ..); // Original URI filename
ZIP_READFIELD_STRING(line, value, "X-Save", previous_save_); // Original save filename
} while(offset < readSizeHeader && !lineEof);
//totalHeader = offset;
/* Previous entry */
if (previous_save_[0] != '\0') {
int pathLen = (int) strlen(StringBuff(opt->path_html_utf8));
if (pathLen != 0 && strncmp(previous_save_, StringBuff(opt->path_html_utf8), pathLen) != 0) { // old (<3.40) buggy format
sprintf(previous_save, "%s%s", StringBuff(opt->path_html_utf8),
} else {
strcpy(previous_save, previous_save_);
if (return_save != NULL) {
strcpybuff(return_save, previous_save);
/* Complete fields */
r.totalsize = r.size;
r.adr = NULL;
r.out = NULL;
r.fp = NULL;
/* Do not get data ? Do some final tests. */
if (target_save == NULL) {
// si save==null, ne rien charger (juste en tête)
if (r.statuscode == HTTP_OK && !is_hypertext_mime(opt, r.contenttype, fil)) { // pas HTML, écrire sur disk directement
r.is_write = 1; /* supposed to be on disk (informational) */
/* Ensure the file is present, because returning a reference to a missing file is useless! */
if (!dataincache) { /* Data are supposed to be on disk */
if (!fexist_utf8(fconv(catbuff, sizeof(catbuff), previous_save))) { // un fichier existe déja
if (!opt->norecatch) {
hts_log_print(opt, LOG_DEBUG, "Cache: could not find %s",
r.statuscode = STATUSCODE_INVALID;
strcpybuff(r.msg, "Previous cache file not found");
} // otherwise, the ZIP file is supposed to be consistent with data.
/* Read data ? */
else { /* ne pas lire uniquement header */
int ok = 0;
// Not ro, and pure data (not HTML and friends) to be saved now.
if (!readonly && r.statuscode == HTTP_OK && !is_hypertext_mime(opt, r.contenttype, fil) && strnotempty(target_save)) { // pas HTML, écrire sur disk directement
r.is_write = 1; // écrire
// Data is supposed to be on disk
if (!dataincache) {
r.msg[0] = '\0';
// File exists on disk with declared cache name (this is expected!)
if (fexist_utf8(fconv(catbuff, sizeof(catbuff), previous_save))) { // un fichier existe déja
// Expected size ?
const size_t fsize =
fsize_utf8(fconv(catbuff, sizeof(catbuff), previous_save));
if (fsize == r.size) {
// Target name is the previous name, and the file looks good: nothing to do!
if (strcmp(previous_save, target_save) == 0) {
// So far so good
ok = 1; // plus rien à faire
// Different filenames: rename now!
else {
char catbuff2[CATBUFF_SIZE];
(fconv(catbuff, sizeof(catbuff), previous_save),
fconv(catbuff2, sizeof(catbuff2), target_save)) == 0) {
// So far so good
ok = 1; // plus rien à faire
hts_log_print(opt, LOG_DEBUG,
"File '%s' has been renamed since last mirror to '%s' ; applying changes",
previous_save, target_save);
} else {
r.statuscode = STATUSCODE_INVALID;
strcpybuff(r.msg, "Unable to rename file on disk");
} else {
hts_log_print(opt, LOG_WARNING,
"warning: file size on disk (" LLintP
") does not have the expected size (" LLintP
"))", (LLint) fsize, (LLint) r.size);
// File exists with the target name and not previous one ?
// Suppose a broken mirror, with a file being renamed: OK
else if (fexist_utf8(fconv(catbuff, sizeof(catbuff), target_save))) {
// Expected size ?
const size_t fsize = fsize_utf8(fconv(catbuff, sizeof(catbuff), target_save));
if (fsize == r.size) {
// So far so good
ok = 1; // plus rien à faire
} else {
hts_log_print(opt, LOG_WARNING,
"warning: renamed file size on disk (" LLintP
") does not have the expected size (" LLintP
"))", (LLint) fsize, (LLint) r.size);
// File is present and sane ?
if (ok) {
// Register file not to wipe it later
filenote(&opt->state.strc, target_save, NULL); // noter comme connu
file_notify(opt, adr, fil, target_save, 0, 0, 1); // data in cache
// Nope
else {
// Default behavior
if (!opt->norecatch) {
r.statuscode = STATUSCODE_INVALID;
if (r.msg[0] == '\0') {
strcpybuff(r.msg, "Previous cache file not found");
// Do not recatch broken/erased files
else {
file_notify(opt, adr, fil, target_save, 1, 0, 0);
filecreateempty(&opt->state.strc, target_save);
r.statuscode = STATUSCODE_INVALID;
strcpybuff(r.msg, "File deleted by user not recaught");
// Load data from cache (not from a disk file)
else {
file_notify(opt, adr, fil, target_save, 1, 1, 1); // data in cache
r.out = filecreate(&opt->state.strc, target_save);
printf("direct-disk: %s\n", save);
if (r.out != NULL) {
char BIGSTK buff[32768 + 4];
LLint size = r.size;
if (size > 0) {
size_t nl;
do {
nl =
unzReadCurrentFile((unzFile) cache->zipInput, buff,
(int) minimum(size, 32768));
if (nl > 0) {
size -= nl;
if (fwrite(buff, 1, nl, r.out) != nl) { // erreur
int last_errno = errno;
r.statuscode = STATUSCODE_INVALID;
sprintf(r.msg, "Cache Read Error : Read To Disk: %s",
} while((nl > 0) && (size > 0) && (r.statuscode != -1));
r.out = NULL;
#ifndef _WIN32
chmod(target_save, HTS_ACCESS_FILE);
} else {
r.statuscode = STATUSCODE_INVALID;
"Cache Write Error : Unable to Create File");
} else
{ // lire en mémoire
// We need to get bytes on memory, but the previous version is (supposed to be) on disk.
if (!dataincache) {
// Empty previous save name, or file does not exist ?
if (!strnotempty(previous_save) || !fexist_utf8(previous_save)) { // Pas de donnée en cache, bizarre car html!!!
// Hack: if error page data is missing (pre-3.45 releases), create one. We won't use it anyway.
if (!HTTP_IS_OK(r.statuscode)) {
const int size = 512;
r.adr = malloct(size);
"<html><!-- Missing Error Page ; Generated by HTTrack Website Copier --><head><title>HTTP Error %u</title></head><body><h1>HTTP Error %u</h1></body></html>",
r.statuscode, r.statuscode);
r.size = strlen(r.adr);
assertf(r.size < size);
strcpy(r.contenttype, "text/html");
strcpy(r.charset, "utf-8");
// Fake total size, too.
r.totalsize = r.size;
// Not on disk anymore!
r.is_write = 0;
// Otherwise, this is a real error.
else {
r.statuscode = STATUSCODE_INVALID;
"Previous cache file not found (empty filename)");
} else { /* Read in memory from disk */
FILE *const fp = FOPEN(fconv(catbuff, sizeof(catbuff), previous_save), "rb");
if (fp != NULL) {
r.adr = (char *) malloct((int) r.size + 4);
if (r.adr != NULL) {
if (r.size > 0
&& fread(r.adr, 1, (int) r.size, fp) != r.size) {
int last_errno = errno;
r.statuscode = STATUSCODE_INVALID;
sprintf(r.msg, "Read error in cache disk data: %s",
} else {
r.statuscode = STATUSCODE_INVALID;
"Read error (memory exhausted) from cache");
} else {
r.statuscode = STATUSCODE_INVALID;
"Read error (unable to open disk file) from cache");
// Data in cache.
else {
// lire fichier (d'un coup)
r.adr = (char *) malloct((int) r.size + 4);
if (r.adr != NULL) {
if (unzReadCurrentFile((unzFile) cache->zipInput, r.adr, (int) r.size) != r.size) { // erreur
r.adr = NULL;
r.statuscode = STATUSCODE_INVALID;
strcpybuff(r.msg, "Cache Read Error : Read Data");
} else
*(r.adr + r.size) = '\0';
//printf(">%s status %d\n",back[p].r.contenttype,back[p].r.statuscode);
} else { // erreur
r.statuscode = STATUSCODE_INVALID;
strcpybuff(r.msg, "Cache Memory Error");
} else {
r.statuscode = STATUSCODE_INVALID;
strcpybuff(r.msg, "Cache Read Error : Read Header Data");
unzCloseCurrentFile((unzFile) cache->zipInput);
} else {
r.statuscode = STATUSCODE_INVALID;
strcpybuff(r.msg, "Cache Read Error : Open File");
} else {
r.statuscode = STATUSCODE_INVALID;
strcpybuff(r.msg, "Cache Read Error : Bad Offset");
} else {
r.statuscode = STATUSCODE_INVALID;
strcpybuff(r.msg, "File Cache Entry Not Found");
if (!location) { /* don't export internal buffer */
r.location = NULL;
return r;
// lecture d'un fichier dans le cache
// si save==null alors test unqiquement
static htsblk cache_readex_old(httrackp * opt, cache_back * cache,
const char *adr, const char *fil,
const char *save, char *location,
char *return_save, int readonly) {
intptr_t hash_pos;
int hash_pos_return;
char *a;
char BIGSTK location_default[HTS_URLMAXSIZE * 2];
char BIGSTK previous_save[HTS_URLMAXSIZE * 2];
char catbuff[CATBUFF_SIZE];
htsblk r;
int ok = 0;
int header_only = 0;
//memset(&r, 0, sizeof(htsblk)); r.soc=INVALID_SOCKET;
if (location) {
r.location = location;
} else {
r.location = location_default;
strcpybuff(r.location, "");
strcpybuff(buff, adr);
strcatbuff(buff, fil);
hash_pos_return = coucal_read(cache->hashtable, buff, &hash_pos);
buff[0] = '\0';
strcatbuff(buff, "\n");
strcatbuff(buff, adr);
strcatbuff(buff, "\n");
strcatbuff(buff, fil);
strcatbuff(buff, "\n");
if (cache->use)
a = strstr(cache->use, buff);
a = NULL; // forcer erreur
/* avoid errors on data entries */
if (adr[0] == '/' && adr[1] == '/' && adr[2] == '[') {
hash_pos_return = 0;
a = NULL;
// en cas de succès
if (hash_pos_return != 0) {
if (a != NULL) { // OK existe en cache!
intptr_t pos;
fprintf(stdout, "..cache: %s%s at ", adr, fil);
pos = hash_pos; /* simply */
a += strlen(buff);
sscanf(a, "%d", &pos); // lire position
printf("%d\n", pos);
if (fseek(cache->olddat, (long) ((pos > 0) ? pos : (-pos)), SEEK_SET) == 0) {
/* Importer cache1.0 */
if (cache->version == 0) {
OLD_htsblk old_r;
if (fread((char *) &old_r, 1, sizeof(old_r), cache->olddat) == sizeof(old_r)) { // lire tout (y compris statuscode etc)
r.statuscode = old_r.statuscode;
r.size = old_r.size; // taille fichier
strcpybuff(r.msg, old_r.msg);
strcpybuff(r.contenttype, old_r.contenttype);
ok = 1; /* import ok */
/* */
/* Cache 1.1 */
} else {
char check[256];
LLint size_read;
check[0] = '\0';
cache_rint(cache->olddat, &r.statuscode);
cache_rLLint(cache->olddat, &r.size);
cache_rstr(cache->olddat, r.msg);
cache_rstr(cache->olddat, r.contenttype);
if (cache->version >= 3)
cache_rstr(cache->olddat, r.charset);
cache_rstr(cache->olddat, r.lastmodified);
cache_rstr(cache->olddat, r.etag);
cache_rstr(cache->olddat, r.location);
if (cache->version >= 2)
cache_rstr(cache->olddat, r.cdispo);
if (cache->version >= 4) {
cache_rstr(cache->olddat, previous_save); // adr
cache_rstr(cache->olddat, previous_save); // fil
previous_save[0] = '\0';
cache_rstr(cache->olddat, previous_save); // save
if (return_save != NULL) {
strcpybuff(return_save, previous_save);
if (cache->version >= 5) {
r.headers = cache_rstr_addr(cache->olddat);
cache_rstr(cache->olddat, check);
if (strcmp(check, "HTS") == 0) { /* intégrité OK */
ok = 1;
cache_rLLint(cache->olddat, &size_read); /* lire size pour être sûr de la taille déclarée (réécrire) */
if (size_read > 0) { /* si inscrite ici */
r.size = size_read;
} else { /* pas de données directement dans le cache, fichier présent? */
if (r.statuscode != HTTP_OK)
header_only = 1; /* que l'en tête ici! */
/* Remplir certains champs */
r.totalsize = r.size;
// lecture du header (y compris le statuscode)
/*if (fread((char*) &r,1,sizeof(htsblk),cache->olddat)==sizeof(htsblk)) { // lire tout (y compris statuscode etc) */
if (ok) {
// sécurité
r.adr = NULL;
r.out = NULL;
////r.location=NULL; non, fixée lors des 301 ou 302
r.fp = NULL;
if ((r.statuscode >= 0) && (r.statuscode <= 999)
&& (r.notmodified >= 0) && (r.notmodified <= 9)) { // petite vérif intégrité
if ((save) && (!header_only)) { /* ne pas lire uniquement header */
//int to_file=0;
r.adr = NULL;
// // r.location=NULL;
// Court-circuit:
// Peut-on stocker le fichier directement sur disque?
if (!readonly && r.statuscode == HTTP_OK && !is_hypertext_mime(opt, r.contenttype, fil) && strnotempty(save)) { // pas HTML, écrire sur disk directement
int ok = 0;
r.is_write = 1; // écrire
if (fexist_utf8(fconv(catbuff, sizeof(catbuff), save))) { // un fichier existe déja
//if (fsize_utf8(fconv(save))==r.size) { // même taille -- NON tant pis (taille mal declaree)
ok = 1; // plus rien à faire
filenote(&opt->state.strc, save, NULL); // noter comme connu
file_notify(opt, adr, fil, save, 0, 0, 0);
if ((pos < 0) && (!ok)) { // Pas de donnée en cache et fichier introuvable : erreur!
if (opt->norecatch) {
file_notify(opt, adr, fil, save, 1, 0, 0);
filecreateempty(&opt->state.strc, save);
r.statuscode = STATUSCODE_INVALID;
strcpybuff(r.msg, "File deleted by user not recaught");
ok = 1; // ne pas récupérer (et pas d'erreur)
} else {
r.statuscode = STATUSCODE_INVALID;
strcpybuff(r.msg, "Previous cache file not found");
ok = 1; // ne pas récupérer
if (!ok) {
r.out = filecreate(&opt->state.strc, save);
printf("direct-disk: %s\n", save);
if (r.out != NULL) {
char BIGSTK buff[32768 + 4];
size_t size = (size_t) r.size;
if (size > 0) {
size_t nl;
do {
nl = fread(buff, 1, minimum(size, 32768), cache->olddat);
if (nl > 0) {
size -= nl;
if (fwrite(buff, 1, nl, r.out) != nl) { // erreur
r.statuscode = STATUSCODE_INVALID;
strcpybuff(r.msg, "Cache Read Error : Read To Disk");
} while((nl > 0) && (size > 0) && (r.statuscode != -1));
r.out = NULL;
#ifndef _WIN32
chmod(save, HTS_ACCESS_FILE);
} else {
r.statuscode = STATUSCODE_INVALID;
"Cache Write Error : Unable to Create File");
} else
{ // lire en mémoire
if (pos < 0) {
if (strnotempty(save)) { // Pas de donnée en cache, bizarre car html!!!
r.statuscode = STATUSCODE_INVALID;
strcpybuff(r.msg, "Previous cache file not found (2)");
} else { /* Read in memory from cache */
if (strnotempty(return_save) && fexist_utf8(return_save)) {
FILE *fp = FOPEN(fconv(catbuff, sizeof(catbuff), return_save), "rb");
if (fp != NULL) {
r.adr = (char *) malloct((size_t) r.size + 4);
if (r.adr != NULL) {
if (r.size > 0
&& fread(r.adr, 1, (size_t) r.size, fp) != r.size) {
r.statuscode = STATUSCODE_INVALID;
strcpybuff(r.msg, "Read error in cache disk data");
} else {
r.statuscode = STATUSCODE_INVALID;
"Read error (memory exhausted) from cache");
} else {
r.statuscode = STATUSCODE_INVALID;
strcpybuff(r.msg, "Cache file not found on disk");
} else {
// lire fichier (d'un coup)
r.adr = (char *) malloct((size_t) r.size + 4);
if (r.adr != NULL) {
if (fread(r.adr, 1, (size_t) r.size, cache->olddat) != r.size) { // erreur
r.adr = NULL;
r.statuscode = STATUSCODE_INVALID;
strcpybuff(r.msg, "Cache Read Error : Read Data");
} else
*(r.adr + r.size) = '\0';
//printf(">%s status %d\n",back[p].r.contenttype,back[p].r.statuscode);
} else { // erreur
r.statuscode = STATUSCODE_INVALID;
strcpybuff(r.msg, "Cache Memory Error");
} // si save==null, ne rien charger (juste en tête)
} else {
printf("Cache Read Error : Bad Data");
r.statuscode = STATUSCODE_INVALID;
strcpybuff(r.msg, "Cache Read Error : Bad Data");
} else { // erreur
printf("Cache Read Error : Read Header");
r.statuscode = STATUSCODE_INVALID;
strcpybuff(r.msg, "Cache Read Error : Read Header");
} else {
printf("Cache Read Error : Seek Failed");
r.statuscode = STATUSCODE_INVALID;
strcpybuff(r.msg, "Cache Read Error : Seek Failed");
} else {
printf("File Cache Not Found");
r.statuscode = STATUSCODE_INVALID;
strcpybuff(r.msg, "File Cache Entry Not Found");
if (!location) { /* don't export internal buffer */
r.location = NULL;
return r;
/* write (string1-string2)-data in cache */
/* 0 if failed */
int cache_writedata(FILE * cache_ndx, FILE * cache_dat, const char *str1,
const char *str2, char *outbuff, int len) {
if (cache_dat) {
char s[256];
int pos;
pos = ftell(cache_dat);
/* first write data */
if (cache_wint(cache_dat, len) != -1) { // length
if (fwrite(outbuff, 1, len, cache_dat) == len) { // data
/* then write index */
sprintf(s, "%d\n", pos);
buff[0] = '\0';
strcatbuff(buff, str1);
strcatbuff(buff, "\n");
strcatbuff(buff, str2);
strcatbuff(buff, "\n");
cache_wstr(cache_ndx, buff);
if (fwrite(s, 1, strlen(s), cache_ndx) == strlen(s)) {
return 1;
return 0;
/* read the data corresponding to (string1-string2) in cache */
/* 0 if failed */
int cache_readdata(cache_back * cache, const char *str1, const char *str2,
char **inbuff, int *inlen) {
if (cache->hashtable) {
intptr_t pos;
strcpybuff(buff, str1);
strcatbuff(buff, str2);
if (coucal_read(cache->hashtable, buff, &pos)) {
if (fseek(cache->olddat, (long) ((pos > 0) ? pos : (-pos)), SEEK_SET) ==
0) {
INTsys len;
cache_rint(cache->olddat, &len);
if (len > 0) {
char *mem_buff = (char *) malloct(len + 4); /* Plus byte 0 */
if (mem_buff) {
if (fread(mem_buff, 1, len, cache->olddat) == len) { // lire tout (y compris statuscode etc)*/
*inbuff = mem_buff;
*inlen = len;
return 1;
} else
*inbuff = NULL;
*inlen = 0;
return 0;
static int hts_rename(httrackp * opt, const char *a, const char *b) {
hts_log_print(opt, LOG_DEBUG, "Cache: rename %s -> %s (%p %p)", a, b, a, b);
return rename(a, b);
// renvoyer uniquement en tête, ou NULL si erreur
// return NULL upon error, and set -1 to r.statuscode
htsblk *cache_header(httrackp * opt, cache_back * cache, const char *adr,
const char *fil, htsblk * r) {
*r = cache_read(opt, cache, adr, fil, NULL, NULL); // test uniquement
if (r->statuscode != -1)
return r;
return NULL;
// Initialisation du cache: créer nouveau, renomer ancien, charger..
void cache_init(cache_back * cache, httrackp * opt) {
// ---
// utilisation du cache: renommer ancien éventuel et charger index
hts_log_print(opt, LOG_DEBUG, "Cache: enabled=%d, base=%s, ro=%d",
(int) opt->cache, fconcat(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt),
"hts-cache/"), (int) cache->ro);
if (opt->cache) {
printf("cache init: ");
if (!cache->ro) {
#ifdef _WIN32
mkdir(fconcat(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log), "hts-cache"));
mkdir(fconcat(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log), "hts-cache"),
if ((fexist(fconcat(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log), "hts-cache/new.zip")))) { // il existe déja un cache précédent.. renommer
/* Previous cache from the previous cache version */
#if 0
/* No.. reuse with old httrack releases! */
if (fexist
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
if (fexist
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
/* Previous cache version */
if ((fexist(fconcat(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log), "hts-cache/new.dat"))) && (fexist(fconcat(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log), "hts-cache/new.ndx")))) { // il existe déja un cache précédent.. renommer
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
"hts-cache/new.dat"), fconcat(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt),
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
"hts-cache/new.ndx"), fconcat(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt),
/* Remove OLD cache */
if (fexist
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
"hts-cache/old.zip"))) {
if (remove
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
"hts-cache/old.zip")) != 0) {
hts_log_print(opt, LOG_WARNING | LOG_ERRNO,
"Cache: error while moving previous cache");
/* Rename */
if (hts_rename
fconcat(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
"hts-cache/new.zip"), fconcat(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt),
"hts-cache/old.zip")) != 0) {
hts_log_print(opt, LOG_WARNING | LOG_ERRNO,
"Cache: error while moving previous cache");
} else {
hts_log_print(opt, LOG_DEBUG, "Cache: successfully renamed");
} else if ((fexist(fconcat(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log), "hts-cache/new.dat"))) && (fexist(fconcat(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log), "hts-cache/new.ndx")))) { // il existe déja un cache précédent.. renommer
printf("work with former cache\n");
if (fexist
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
if (fexist
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
"hts-cache/new.dat"), fconcat(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt),
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
"hts-cache/new.ndx"), fconcat(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt),
} else { // un des deux (ou les deux) fichiers cache absents: effacer l'autre éventuel
printf("new cache\n");
if (fexist
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
if (fexist
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
} else {
hts_log_print(opt, LOG_DEBUG, "Cache: no cache found");
hts_log_print(opt, LOG_DEBUG, "Cache: size %d",
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
// charger index cache précédent
if ((!cache->ro
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
"hts-cache/old.zip")) > 0)
|| (cache->ro
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
"hts-cache/new.zip")) > 0)
) {
if (!cache->ro) {
cache->zipInput =
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
} else {
cache->zipInput =
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
// Corrupted ZIP file ? Try to repair!
if (cache->zipInput == NULL && !cache->ro) {
char *name;
uLong repaired = 0;
uLong repairedBytes = 0;
if (!cache->ro) {
name =
fconcat(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
} else {
name =
fconcat(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
hts_log_print(opt, LOG_WARNING,
"Cache: damaged cache, trying to repair");
if (unzRepair
fconcat(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
"hts-cache/repair.zip"), fconcat(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt),
&repaired, &repairedBytes) == Z_OK) {
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
"hts-cache/repair.zip"), name);
cache->zipInput = unzOpen(name);
hts_log_print(opt, LOG_WARNING,
"Cache: %d bytes successfully recovered in %d entries",
(int) repairedBytes, (int) repaired);
} else {
hts_log_print(opt, LOG_WARNING, "Cache: could not repair the cache");
// Opened ?
if (cache->zipInput != NULL) {
int zErr;
/* Ready directory entries */
if ((zErr = unzGoToFirstFile((unzFile) cache->zipInput)) == Z_OK) {
char comment[128];
char BIGSTK filename[HTS_URLMAXSIZE * 4];
int entries = 0;
memset(comment, 0, sizeof(comment)); // for truncated reads
do {
int readSizeHeader = 0;
filename[0] = '\0';
comment[0] = '\0';
if (unzOpenCurrentFile((unzFile) cache->zipInput) == Z_OK) {
if ((readSizeHeader =
unzGetLocalExtrafield((unzFile) cache->zipInput, comment,
sizeof(comment) - 2)) > 0
&& unzGetCurrentFileInfo((unzFile) cache->zipInput, NULL,
filename, sizeof(filename) - 2, NULL,
0, NULL, 0) == Z_OK) {
long int pos =
(long int) unzGetOffset((unzFile) cache->zipInput);
assertf(readSizeHeader < sizeof(comment));
comment[readSizeHeader] = '\0';
if (pos > 0) {
int dataincache = 0; // data in cache ?
char *filenameIndex = filename;
if (strfield(filenameIndex, "http://")) {
filenameIndex += 7;
if (comment[0] != '\0') {
int maxLine = 2;
char *a = comment;
while(*a && maxLine-- > 0) { // parse only few first lines
char BIGSTK line[1024];
line[0] = '\0';
a += binput(a, line, sizeof(line) - 2);
if (strfield(line, "X-In-Cache:")) {
if (strfield2(line, "X-In-Cache: 1")) {
dataincache = 1;
} else {
dataincache = 0;
if (dataincache)
coucal_add(cache->hashtable, filenameIndex, pos);
coucal_add(cache->hashtable, filenameIndex, -pos);
} else {
hts_log_print(opt, LOG_WARNING,
"Corrupted cache meta entry #%d",
(int) entries);
} else {
hts_log_print(opt, LOG_WARNING, "Corrupted cache entry #%d",
(int) entries);
unzCloseCurrentFile((unzFile) cache->zipInput);
} else {
hts_log_print(opt, LOG_WARNING, "Corrupted cache entry #%d",
(int) entries);
} while(unzGoToNextFile((unzFile) cache->zipInput) == Z_OK);
hts_log_print(opt, LOG_DEBUG, "Cache index loaded: %d entries loaded",
(int) entries);
opt->is_update = 1; // signaler comme update
} else {
hts_log_print(opt, LOG_WARNING,
"Cache: error trying to read the cache: %s",
} else {
hts_log_print(opt, LOG_WARNING,
"Cache: error trying to open the cache");
} else
if ((!cache->ro
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
"hts-cache/old.dat")) >= 0
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
"hts-cache/old.ndx")) > 0)
|| (cache->ro
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
"hts-cache/new.dat")) >= 0
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
"hts-cache/new.ndx")) > 0)
) {
FILE *oldndx = NULL;
printf("..load cache\n");
if (!cache->ro) {
cache->olddat =
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
"hts-cache/old.dat"), "rb");
oldndx =
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
"hts-cache/old.ndx"), "rb");
} else {
cache->olddat =
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
"hts-cache/new.dat"), "rb");
oldndx =
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
"hts-cache/new.ndx"), "rb");
// les deux doivent être ouvrables
if ((cache->olddat == NULL) && (oldndx != NULL)) {
oldndx = NULL;
if ((cache->olddat != NULL) && (oldndx == NULL)) {
cache->olddat = NULL;
// lire index
if (oldndx != NULL) {
int buffl;
oldndx = NULL;
// lire ndx, et lastmodified
if (!cache->ro) {
buffl =
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
cache->use =
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
} else {
buffl =
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
cache->use =
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
if (cache->use != NULL) {
char firstline[256];
char *a = cache->use;
a += cache_brstr(a, firstline);
if (strncmp(firstline, "CACHE-", 6) == 0) { // Nouvelle version du cache
if (strncmp(firstline, "CACHE-1.", 8) == 0) { // Version 1.1x
cache->version = (int) (firstline[8] - '0'); // cache 1.x
if (cache->version <= 5) {
a += cache_brstr(a, firstline);
strcpybuff(cache->lastmodified, firstline);
} else {
hts_log_print(opt, LOG_ERROR,
"Cache: version 1.%d not supported, ignoring current cache",
cache->olddat = NULL;
cache->use = NULL;
} else { // non supporté
hts_log_print(opt, LOG_ERROR,
"Cache: %s not supported, ignoring current cache",
cache->olddat = NULL;
cache->use = NULL;
/* */
} else { // Vieille version du cache
/* */
hts_log_print(opt, LOG_WARNING,
"Cache: importing old cache format");
cache->version = 0; // cache 1.0
strcpybuff(cache->lastmodified, firstline);
opt->is_update = 1; // signaler comme update
/* Create hash table for the cache (MUCH FASTER!) */
if (cache->use) {
char linepos[256];
int pos;
while((a != NULL) && (a < (cache->use + buffl))) {
a = strchr(a + 1, '\n'); /* start of line */
if (a) {
/* read "host/file" */
a += binput(a, line, HTS_URLMAXSIZE);
a += binput(a, line + strlen(line), HTS_URLMAXSIZE);
/* read position */
a += binput(a, linepos, 200);
sscanf(linepos, "%d", &pos);
coucal_add(cache->hashtable, line, pos);
/* Not needed anymore! */
cache->use = NULL;
} else {
hts_log_print(opt, LOG_DEBUG, "Cache: no cache found in %s",
fconcat(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
printf("..create cache\n");
if (!cache->ro) {
// ouvrir caches actuels
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log), "hts-cache/"));
if (1) {
/* Create ZIP file cache */
cache->zipOutput =
(void *)
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
"hts-cache/new.zip"), 0);
if (cache->zipOutput != NULL) {
// supprimer old.lst
if (fexist
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
// renommer
if (fexist
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
"hts-cache/new.lst"), fconcat(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt),
// ouvrir
cache->lst =
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
"hts-cache/new.lst"), "wb");
strcpybuff(opt->state.strc.path, StringBuff(opt->path_html));
opt->state.strc.lst = cache->lst;
//filecreate_params tmp;
//strcpybuff(tmp.path,StringBuff(opt->path_html)); // chemin
//tmp.lst=cache->lst; // fichier lst
//filenote("",&tmp); // initialiser filecreate
// supprimer old.txt
if (fexist
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
// renommer
if (fexist
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
"hts-cache/new.txt"), fconcat(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt),
// ouvrir
cache->txt =
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
"hts-cache/new.txt"), "wb");
if (cache->txt) {
"date\tsize'/'remotesize\tflags(request:Update,Range state:File response:Modified,Chunked,gZipped)\t");
"statuscode\tstatus ('servermsg')\tMIME\tEtag|Date\tURL\tlocalfile\t(from URL)"
} else {
cache->dat =
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
"hts-cache/new.dat"), "wb");
cache->ndx =
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
"hts-cache/new.ndx"), "wb");
// les deux doivent être ouvrables
if ((cache->dat == NULL) && (cache->ndx != NULL)) {
cache->ndx = NULL;
if ((cache->dat != NULL) && (cache->ndx == NULL)) {
cache->dat = NULL;
if (cache->ndx != NULL) {
char s[256];
cache_wstr(cache->dat, "CACHE-1.5");
cache_wstr(cache->ndx, "CACHE-1.5");
time_gmt_rfc822(s); // date et heure actuelle GMT pour If-Modified-Since..
cache_wstr(cache->ndx, s);
fflush(cache->ndx); // un petit fflush au cas où
// supprimer old.lst
if (fexist
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
// renommer
if (fexist
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
"hts-cache/new.lst"), fconcat(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt),
// ouvrir
cache->lst =
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
"hts-cache/new.lst"), "wb");
strcpybuff(opt->state.strc.path, StringBuff(opt->path_html));
opt->state.strc.lst = cache->lst;
// filecreate_params tmp;
// strcpybuff(tmp.path,StringBuff(opt->path_html)); // chemin
// tmp.lst=cache->lst; // fichier lst
// filenote("",&tmp); // initialiser filecreate
// supprimer old.txt
if (fexist
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
// renommer
if (fexist
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
"hts-cache/new.txt"), fconcat(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt),
// ouvrir
cache->txt =
(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), StringBuff(opt->path_log),
"hts-cache/new.txt"), "wb");
if (cache->txt) {
"date\tsize'/'remotesize\tflags(request:Update,Range state:File response:Modified,Chunked,gZipped)\t");
"statuscode\tstatus ('servermsg')\tMIME\tEtag|Date\tURL\tlocalfile\t(from URL)"
// test
// cache_writedata(cache->ndx,cache->dat,"//[TEST]//","test1","TEST PIPO",9);
} // cache->ndx!=NULL
} //cache->zipOutput != NULL
} else {
cache->lst = cache->dat = cache->ndx = NULL;
} else {
hts_log_print(opt, LOG_DEBUG, "Cache: no cache enabled");
// lire un fichier.. (compatible \0)
/* Note: NOT utf-8 */
char *readfile(const char *fil) {
return readfile2(fil, NULL);
/* Note: NOT utf-8 */
char *readfile2(const char *fil, LLint * size) {
char *adr = NULL;
char catbuff[CATBUFF_SIZE];
INTsys len = 0;
len = fsize(fil);
if (len >= 0) { // exists
FILE *fp;
fp = fopen(fconv(catbuff, sizeof(catbuff), fil), "rb");
if (fp != NULL) { // n'existe pas (!)
adr = (char *) malloct(len + 1);
if (size != NULL)
*size = len;
if (adr != NULL) {
if (len > 0 && fread(adr, 1, len, fp) != len) { // fichier endommagé ?
adr = NULL;
} else
*(adr + len) = '\0';
return adr;
/* Note: utf-8 */
char *readfile_utf8(const char *fil) {
char *adr = NULL;
char catbuff[CATBUFF_SIZE];
const off_t len = fsize_utf8(fil);
if (len >= 0) { // exists
FILE *const fp = FOPEN(fconv(catbuff, sizeof(catbuff), fil), "rb");
if (fp != NULL) { // n'existe pas (!)
adr = (char *) malloct(len + 1);
if (adr != NULL) {
if (len > 0 && fread(adr, 1, len, fp) != len) { // fichier endommagé ?
adr = NULL;
} else {
adr[len] = '\0';
return adr;
/* Note: NOT utf-8 */
char *readfile_or(const char *fil, const char *defaultdata) {
const char *realfile = fil;
char *ret;
char catbuff[CATBUFF_SIZE];
if (!fexist(fil))
realfile = fconcat(catbuff, sizeof(catbuff), hts_rootdir(NULL), fil);
ret = readfile(realfile);
if (ret)
return ret;
else {
char *adr = malloct(strlen(defaultdata) + 1);
if (adr) {
strcpybuff(adr, defaultdata);
return adr;
return NULL;
// écriture/lecture d'une chaîne sur un fichier
// -1 : erreur, sinon 0
int cache_wstr(FILE * fp, const char *s) {
INTsys i;
char buff[256 + 4];
i = (s != NULL) ? ((INTsys) strlen(s)) : 0;
sprintf(buff, INTsysP "\n", i);
if (fwrite(buff, 1, strlen(buff), fp) != strlen(buff))
return -1;
if (i > 0 && fwrite(s, 1, i, fp) != i)
return -1;
return 0;
void cache_rstr(FILE * fp, char *s) {
INTsys i;
char buff[256 + 4];
linput(fp, buff, 256);
sscanf(buff, INTsysP, &i);
if (i < 0 || i > 32768) /* error, something nasty happened */
i = 0;
if (i > 0) {
if ((int) fread(s, 1, i, fp) != i) {
int fread_cache_failed = 0;
*(s + i) = '\0';
char *cache_rstr_addr(FILE * fp) {
INTsys i;
char *addr = NULL;
char buff[256 + 4];
linput(fp, buff, 256);
sscanf(buff, INTsysP, &i);
if (i < 0 || i > 32768) /* error, something nasty happened */
i = 0;
if (i > 0) {
addr = malloct(i + 1);
if (addr != NULL) {
if ((int) fread(addr, 1, i, fp) != i) {
int fread_cache_failed = 0;
*(addr + i) = '\0';
return addr;
int cache_brstr(char *adr, char *s) {
int i;
int off;
char buff[256 + 4];
off = binput(adr, buff, 256);
adr += off;
sscanf(buff, "%d", &i);
if (i > 0)
strncpy(s, adr, i);
*(s + i) = '\0';
off += i;
return off;
int cache_quickbrstr(char *adr, char *s) {
int i;
int off;
char buff[256 + 4];
off = binput(adr, buff, 256);
adr += off;
sscanf(buff, "%d", &i);
if (i > 0)
strncpy(s, adr, i);
*(s + i) = '\0';
off += i;
return off;
/* idem, mais en int */
int cache_brint(char *adr, int *i) {
char s[256];
int r = cache_brstr(adr, s);
if (r != -1)
sscanf(s, "%d", i);
return r;
void cache_rint(FILE * fp, int *i) {
char s[256];
cache_rstr(fp, s);
sscanf(s, "%d", i);
int cache_wint(FILE * fp, int i) {
char s[256];
sprintf(s, "%d", (int) i);
return cache_wstr(fp, s);
void cache_rLLint(FILE * fp, LLint * i) {
char s[256];
cache_rstr(fp, s);
sscanf(s, LLintP, i);
int cache_wLLint(FILE * fp, LLint i) {
char s[256];
sprintf(s, LLintP, (LLint) i);
return cache_wstr(fp, s);
// -- cache --
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